Building a Wall Around My Bubble

As things have increasingly heated up over the last couple weeks, I've found myself overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with information, with emotions, with uncertainty.  At times I'm overwhelmed with disbelief and even anxiety.  But above all of these things, I'm totally and completely overwhelmed with negativity.

And that is going stop.  Now.

At the risk of coming across as too apathetic, I'll admit that I tend to live my life inside a comfortable and selectively clueless bubble.  My bubble is filled with family, friends, and community.  Inside of it I teach my children to be good people.  I partner with a man who makes me feel like we can move mountains together. I strive to be the best me I can possibly be. I make goals and work hard to achieve them.  I share myself openly with those I like, care about, and love.  Lately, though, my cozy little bubble feels at risk for popping.  And I'm not willing to let that happen.

So I'm going to build a wall around my bubble.

I make no outlandish claims that someone else is going to erect this wall for me. But build it, I will.

And the only "immigrants" I will defend against at my borders are hate, overreaching power, reversal of hard fought progress, division, and this ceaseless stream of negativity that threatens to terrorize us all.

I have work to do.  I have boys to raise.  A marriage to nourish.  A business to build.  Friendships to foster and tend.  I refuse to set these things aside and tread water in this vicious, turbulent sea of uncertainty.

I will rise above it.  I will continue working hard.  I will never give up on my dreams. I will keep an open heart and lend a helping hand. I will be positive and self reliant and strong.

In short, I will be AMERICAN.

So maybe I won't build that wall after all.  I don't believe it will help anything anyway.  I'll just let my bubble do what it does best...float up, up and away from it all.



  1. Bubbles tend to grow (and float better?) when they merge with other bubbles. Don't build a wall too high to keep other bubbles out :-)


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